Lanina S.Yu.
UDC 378.147
Lanina S.Yu.1 (Blagoveshchensk, Russian Federation)
1Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University
Abstract. Practical training of a student in the process of studying at a university is a mandatory part of the organization of the educational process in educational institutions of higher and secondary education. Also, effectively organized practical training of students makes it possible to increase their competitiveness in the labor market. Practical training includes both preparation within the framework of the educational process when studying disciplines, and preparation during the completion of practices planned in the curriculum. A significant part of practical training is occupied by practices, which include both educational and industrial practices. The article is devoted to the description of the features of organizing and conducting internships for students of a pedagogical university studying in the field of training 03/44/05 – Pedagogical education (with two profiles of training), profile “Technology”, profile “Economics”. The structure of practical training, carried out in the form of practice, is presented, indicating the name of the practice, the course and semester in which it will be implemented, as well as the number of credit units allocated for its completion. The main attention is paid to practices related to the implementation of the Technology profile. According to the curriculum, these types of practice include the following: design, technological, design. For each of the listed types of practice, all types of activities that students must carry out are described in detail, the requirements for reports are described, and examples of individual tasks that students must complete during the internship are given. The experience of organizing interaction, within the framework of project practice, with schools, kindergartens, and colleges is described. The option of working with real customers while undergoing both design and technological practice is considered.
Keywords: practical training, internships, students, pedagogical university, profile «Technology».
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For citation: Lanina S.Yu. Features of organizing practices for students in the “Technology” profile of a pedagogical university. CITISE, 2024, no. 4, pp. 91-98.