Odintsova M.A., Yachmenev N.V.
Odintsova M.A.1 (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation) – marya.ap@mail.ru; Yachmenev N.V.1 (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation) – yachmenev1988@mail.ru
1Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University
Abstract. Introduction. The article deals with the organization of health-improving physical culture with schoolchildren on the basis of differentiated and individual approaches to the development of physical qualities. It describes the actual provisions of taking into account the somatotype and physical fitness of middle and high school students for the effective impact of physical loads of a certain orientation. The purpose of the research is connected with the systematic presentation of the organizational and methodological model of health-improving training on the basis of taking into account constitutional characteristics and the level of physical fitness of students. The main methods of research were: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature, its systematization and structuring, as well as the method of modeling. Research results. The motor abilities that contribute most to the increase of the reserve capabilities of the organism to achieve a health-improving effect were determined. The discussion of different conceptual approaches to the development of “lagging” or “leading” physical abilities in the process of schoolchildren’s health improvement is presented. The systematization of leading and lagging motor abilities of schoolchildren depending on the type of physique is presented. Organizational provisions of implementation of differentiated and on its basis individual approaches to dosage of loads of certain orientation are described. It is emphasized that interval-repetitive and interval-circular methods are of the greatest importance in the development of physical abilities necessary for health improvement. Conclusion. Of primary importance in the development of general endurance is the state of functional capabilities, primarily cardiovascular and respiratory systems. At development of general strength and power endurance it is necessary to differentiate loading and depending on a level of development of necessary motor abilities and on a type of a physique.
Keywords: health-improving training, differentiated-individual approach, body type, physical fitness of schoolchildren.
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For citation: Odintsova M. A., Yachmenev N.V. Conditions of implementation of differentiation and individualization in the organization of health training with schoolchildren. CITISE, 2024, no. 4, pp. 63-73.