ISSN 2409-7616

Popov A.N., Malakhova O.Yu., Khandrimailov A.A., Genvareva Yu.A., Aleksenko M.A.


UDC 378

Popov A.N.1 (Orenburg, Russian Federation) –; Malakhova O.Yu.1 (Orenburg, Russian Federation) –; Khandrimailov A.A.1 (Orenburg, Russian Federation) –; Genvareva Yu.A.1 (Orenburg, Russian Federation) –; Aleksenko M.A.1 (Orenburg, Russian Federation) –

1Volga State Transport University

Abstract. The article examines the essence and main features of an engineer of a new format – an intellectual and intellectual. The authors present and analyze the key characteristics of such a specialist. In the context of posing the problem of forming the intelligence and intelligence of a future specialist in the transport sector, emphasis is placed on promising pedagogical ways of forming the phenomena under study, the need to intensify the educational and cognitive work of students, as well as building their leisure activities is substantiated. The priority of the need to form an active civil-patriotic, research, leadership and professional position of the future engineer is substantiated, since they are the fundamental basis for the formation of the studied properties of the future engineer of the new format. In order to achieve the desired result, the author’s views on possible ways to enhance the educational and cognitive activities of students at technical universities are presented within the framework of classroom and extracurricular work. Empirical results obtained as part of a study of future technical specialists’ understanding of the essence of intelligence and intelligence, the key differences between them, as well as the role of these properties in future professional activities are analyzed. The author’s choice of pedagogical technologies that are effective in the process of forming an engineer of a new format is substantiated. The role of the university in the process of forming the intelligence and intelligence of the future railway engineer is highlighted and justified.

Keywords: intellectual, intellectual, engineer, educational process of a technical university, educational and cognitive work of students, leisure activities of students, pedagogical technologies, methodological ways.


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For citation: Popov A.N., Malakhova O.Yu., Khandrimailov A.A., Genvareva Yu.A., Aleksenko M.A. Methodological ways and pedagogical technologies for the formation of the intellectual resource of the future engineer–a technical intellectual. CITISE, 2024, no. 3, pp. 487-497.