ISSN 2409-7616

Orlova D.R., Iskandar G.M.


UDC 331.56+331.57+331.5.024.5

Orlova D.R.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –; Iskandar G.M.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation)

1Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Abstract. Subject. Today, economic policy in the Russian Federation has positive results and the unemployment rate is low, but the labor market is unstable and the rate may rise again at any time. The state understands that the labor market needs to be developed, since the unemployment rate affects the well-being of citizens. At the same time, low incomes of the population will limit the development of all sectors of the economy in our country, and aggregate demand will decrease. The article examines the prerequisites for increasing unemployment. The methods of analysis, comparison, and statistical methods were used in the article.Purposes. A comprehensive study of the unemployment rate in Russia in modern conditions. Formation of proposals to reduce unemployment. Methodology. In the process of studying unemployment in Russia, methods of analysis, comparison and comparison were used. Results. Unemployment is considered a complex and multifaceted issue, having both economic and social impacts on society. The national unemployment rate has been steadily decreasing since 2020. In 2023, the national unemployment rate was 3.2%, which is 17.9% lower than in 2022. The majority of the population who are looking for work are able–bodied citizens of the Russian Federation. The factors contributing to the decrease in the national average unemployment rate have been highlighted, noting their temporary nature. The issue of high unemployment persists in several regions of Russia. To combat unemployment, macroeconomic regulation and support measures have been proposed. Conclusions. According to the results of the study, it was noted that forecasting unemployment and combating unemployment should be carried out regularly. The formation of forecasts of unemployment growth will allow timely implementation of measures aimed at reducing it. As recommendations for managing unemployment in our country, it can be noted that citizens are informed about the opportunities that are currently being hastily implemented through the state employment policy: the formation of infrastructure for entrepreneurs, the fight against shadow business, attracting foreign investment.

Keywords: unemployment, income, employment, external and internal factors, social groups, unemployed.


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For citation: Orlova D.R., Iskandar G.M. Unemployment in Russia in modern conditions. CITISE, 2024, no. 3, pp. 462-474.