ISSN 2409-7616

Lavrentieva O.A.


UDC 371+373.3

Lavrentieva O.A.1 (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation) –

1Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University

Abstract. The article is devoted to the development of professional competencies of the adviser to the director of education and interaction with children’s public associations. The theoretical and methodological foundations and the importance of the role of an adviser in working with children’s groups and public associations are considered. Special attention is paid to the importance of the advisor to the director for interaction with public associations in the successful educational activities of the organization. The article defines the necessary competencies and professional qualities of an adviser to achieve common pedagogical goals, such as the ability to establish relationships with public organizations and leaders of public associations, and use their potential to improve educational work. The results of a survey of advisers on possible professional difficulties and resources are analyzed. An important aspect is the proposed guidelines for the development of professional competencies in the activities of the adviser to the Director for education and interaction with children’s public associations, ensuring sustainable and consistent advancement in the professional field at the personal and special levels. It is concluded that for the high-quality performance of the work of the adviser to the director of education, it depends on such professional competencies as: openness, inclusion in the children’s space, the ability to freely communicate with children, motivation for social activity, communication, development of children’s self-government, initiative, willingness to act in the interests of children, interaction of participants in the educational process with public partners, stimulation of social activity, development of children’s self-government, strategic approach. The conducted research will allow to determine.

Keywords: advisor to the Director of education and interaction with children’s public associations, education, interaction, public associations, educational activities, professional competence, professional competencies.


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For citation: Lavrentieva O.A. Development of professional competencies of the advisor to the director of education and interaction with children’s public associations. CITISE, 2024, no. 3, pp. 451-461.