Wagner M.-N.L., Ovezova W.A.
UDC 372.881.1
Wagner M.-N.L.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – wagner.monica@gmail.com; Ovezova W.A.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – umeda_77@mail.ru
1RUDN University
Abstract. Relevance of the problem. In modern Russian higher school, there is an increase in the importance of distance education technologies that use the means of the latest information technologies, the transition to learning networks, which fundamentally can not be realized without computers, Internet networks, multimedia systems, etc. The aim of the article is to theoretically substantiate and provide for consideration the possibilities of forming competence in foreign language writing (CFLW) with the use of blogs in higher school. Methods. The study used the methods of scientific and methodological literature analysis to determine the content of the main concepts of the study, as well as the main characteristics of interactive foreign language teaching (IFLT); the method of generalization to determine the main properties and functions of blogs in foreign language learning in higher education; the method of synthesis in developing the stages of formation of foreign language writing skills using a blog. Scope of application of the results. The results of the study can be used in the application of blogs as a modern effective tool of IFLT. The novelty of the study consists in substantiating the technology of students’ formation of CFLW using blogs on the basis of interactive foreign language (FL) teaching. Conclusions. The use of blogging as a means and technology of IFLT in the formation of students’ CFLW contributes to increasing their interest in the subject and activation of mental and speech activity, integrated formation of skills and speech abilities, development of learning autonomy and creative approach to problem solving, ability to work in a team, meeting the requirements of the program and trends in the development of modern methodology of teaching FL.
Keywords: interactive foreign language teaching (IFLT); interactive foreign language teaching technologies; blogging; blogging technology; competence in foreign language writing (CFLW).
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For citation: Wagner M.-N.L., Ovezova U.A. Formation of students’ competence in foreign language writing using blogs on the basis of interactive learning. CITISE, 2024, no. 4, pp. 19-28.