ISSN 2409-7616

Maglevannyj R.S.


UDC 331.5

Maglevannyj R.S.1 (Simferopol, Russian Federation) –

1V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University

Abstract. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to summarize aspects of methodological approaches to the study of indicators of economic efficiency of a mining enterprise, to develop and justify promising measures to improve it in modern transformational conditions. Methods. Along with traditional methods of scientific research, computational and graphical techniques were applied and statistical and mathematical apparatus for qualitative and quantitative substantiation of factor parameters of economic efficiency of economic activity was used.Results. Based on the identified criteria and generalized systems of indicators of economic efficiency of industrial subcomplexes, a system of indicators of economic efficiency of production is substantiated; the level of efficiency of the use of all types of resources used in production is established; The introduction of new technologies into production to replace periodically operating centrifuge prices with permanently operating centrifuges is justified, and the replacement of disc filters with cartridge filters will allow Panda LLC to increase sugar production in tons by 0.79%, increase profits by 64, 97 thousand rubles, or by 1.36%. Conclusions. In conclusion, it should be noted that the obligation to use external factors is not as strict as in relation to internal factors of production efficiency. The conducted calculation and methodological justification contain the calculation of the characteristics of the efficiency of the studied enterprise and their analysis. The study was conducted at the sugar factory of Panda LLC. A positive trend in the activities of Panda LLC is an increase in the material output of products, and an increase in material output by 2.8% is accompanied by a decrease in the material consumption of products by 5.3%. In 2006 The negative effect is a decrease in capital productivity by 1.5% and an increase in the labor intensity of products by 0.011 n-h/person. A negative phenomenon in the financial and economic activities of the enterprise is a significant decrease in liquidity indicators, which indicates an unstable financial position of the Company.

Keywords: industrial subcomplex, criteria, system of qualitative and quantitative indicators, labor costs, production and total cost, technology improvement, profit, productivity, efficiency, profitability.


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For citation: Maglevannyj R.S. Formation of promising directions for improving the efficiency of processing industrial subcomplexes. CITISE, 2024, no. 3, pp. 57-71.