ISSN 2409-7616

Tavasieva A.G., Parsieva L.K.


UDC 371

Tavasieva A.G.1 (Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation) –; Parsieva L.K.1 (Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation) –

1North Ossetian State University named after K.L. Khetagurova

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the problem of ethnocultural competence on the basis of analysis, systematization and generalization of a fairly large volume of scientific work on this problem. Ethnocultural competence, which can be manifested and objectively assessed only in the process of ethnocultural activity, is considered in the article as a significant mechanism for effective interaction between representatives of different nationalities. The very concept of “ethnocultural competence” has many definitions. Analysis and generalization of these definitions allowed the authors to define ethnocultural competence as a set of knowledge and skills for the successful use of historical prerequisites for the formation and development of culture, both one’s own and other ethnic groups, effective interethnic interaction, as well as in solving many socially significant problems in a multicultural space; integral qualities of a person that determine his ability to solve professional issues taking into account the values ​​of folk culture, as well as the preservation of national self-identification and an ethnocultural equal community. The authors of the article put forward the thesis that the formation of students’ ability for interethnic and intercultural interaction is possible on the basis of increasing their cognitive activity in the field of solving socially significant ethnocultural problems. This will enable people to develop and use adequate models of behavior in a multicultural society, give ethnocultural activities a personal and humanitarian orientation, demonstrate their behavior in possible intercultural communication, which is of particular importance in the system of secondary vocational education, adequately respond to existing situations, and create a psychologically favorable atmosphere harmony and mutual respect, exclusion of hostile relationships, adherence to moral and ethical standards, systemic perception of ethnocultural reality.

Keywords: education, secondary vocational education, ethnocultural competence, interethnic interaction, multicultural environment.


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For citation: Tavasieva A.G., Parsieva L.K. Ethnocultural competence in interethnic interaction of SVE students. CITISE, 2024, no. 3, pp. 7-14.