Osipov V.S., Evseev V.O., Panova T.V.
UDC 332.146.2
Osipov V.S.1,2 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – vs.ossipov@gmail.com; Evseev V.O.2 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – evseev-vo@ranepa.ru; Panova T.V.2 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – panova-tv@ranepa.ru
1Lomonosov Moscow State University
Abstract. This article examines both the administrative and legal problems of the development of mono-cities, as well as scientific and applied problems of urban development. The basic document was the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 709 dated July 29, 2014 “On the criteria for classifying municipalities of the Russian Federation as monoprofile (single-industry towns) and categories of monoprofile municipalities of the Russian Federation (single-industry towns) depending on the risks of deterioration of their socio-economic situation.” A critical analysis of the state of single-industry towns by type of economic activity, as well as factors of their development and factors of their containment is given. The initiatives of the Ministry of Economic Development in relation to single-industry towns are considered and analyzed. It should be noted that single-industry towns in the Northwestern Federal District have the highest risk today. A list of problematic single-industry towns is provided. A management trap has been identified that contributes to the underfunding of single-industry towns. The topic of scientific publications on the problems of the development of single-industry towns is also considered, it is noted that in the scientific electronic library eLibrary.EN There are more than 4,720 thematic scientific publications on the topic of mono–cities. Methodology. The information basis was the official information of the Russian Federation. Methods used: correlation and regression analysis, classification analysis, probability theory. Results. Regression equations have been obtained confirming the need for a differentiated approach to financing single-industry towns depending on the number of residents. Conclusions. The applied aspect of the article is that its conclusions can be used by public authorities in drawing up programs for regional development and reform of monopolistic settlements.
Keywords: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 709, single-industry towns, living conditions, development of territories, city-forming enterprises, profile, sanctions, lack of financing, regression analysis.
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For citation: Osipov V.S., Evseev V.O., Panova T.V. Single-industry towns: factors of development and deterrencev. CITISE, 2024, no. 2, pp. 639-654.