Shushakova M.M.
UDC 334
Shushakova M.M.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –
1Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
Abstract. The article studies the influence of PR-techniques and press office work on the economic activity on the example of the aviation company “Aeroflot – Russian Airlines”. The author analyzes PR-techniques in the aviation company press office activity and connects their use with the positive image of the company, attracting investment, increasing the customer base, strengthening public confidence and improving financial performance. The methods and strategies of using PR-techniques used to manage information flows, the reputation of the airline, responding to crisis situations, as well as attracting public attention and maintaining a positive image, are considered. The article highlights the main idea of the influence of PR-techniques and the press service work on the economic activity of Russian airlines to understand the role of communications in the success of the economic functioning of the aviation company. The author evaluates the impact of PR-techniques on the airlines’ brand, improvement of operational activities and financial results. The article gives results of the study of public opinion and ways to influence it through the use of PR-techniques, which is of value for specialists in the field of economics, public relations and reputation management, as well as for airlines seeking to improve the economic efficiency of their activities. The results of the study will help to understand what approaches are effective in creating a positive image of the airline and influence the public opinion about its activities. The results will help to identify the relationship between PR-techniques, the work of press services and the economic efficiency of the airline. It will help to offer recommendations to optimize PR-techniques in this industry and improve competitiveness on the market.
Keywords: economic activity, PR-techniques, press office, economic efficiency, company image, company reputation, competitiveness.
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For citation: Shushakova M.M. The role of PR-techniques and press office work in the economic activity of Russian airline companies. CITISE, 2024, no. 2, pp. 585-592.