Shikhvarger Y.G.
UDC 378:330
Shikhvarger Y.G.1 (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation) –
1Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University
Abstract. The relevance of the topic of the article is due to the importance of practical and scientific tasks facing the higher education system, which consist in the formation of financial literacy of the population, including teachers and students of pedagogical universities. Future teachers should know the basics of financial literacy at two levels – everyday and professional. Having come to various educational institutions, including in the system of training and retraining (advanced training), the system of additional education, teachers of different directions may face the task of training students in this area. For several years now, the higher education system has been an integral element of the mechanism for the development of financial literacy in Russia. In particular, a special financial and economic workshop is being conducted to solve this problem. The purpose of the work is to find ways to form the competencies necessary for teaching financial literacy to students of pedagogical universities. The following pedagogical conditions can be distinguished: the organization of financial literacy training for students, the development of educational and methodological materials that allow them to master the necessary, first of all, general cultural competencies that teachers need to carry out their future professional activities. These competencies contribute to mastering the methodology of teaching it in educational institutions. The developed educational and methodological materials include elements of the novelty of the research. The experimental base of the study was the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University. Research methods: study and generalization of information sources, observation, comparative analysis. The paper analyzes the concept and role of financial literacy, its place in the training of students of a pedagogical university, a model of its formation, and develops educational and methodological materials that contribute to the formation of general professional and professional competencies of students. The created materials can be used in educational institutions of the higher education system.
Keywords: educational and methodological support, work program, financial literacy, general professional competencies, students.
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For citation: Shikhvarger Y.G. Development of educational and methodological support for the implementation of the discipline’s work program for the development of general professional competencies in relation to financial literacy. CITISE, 2024, no. 2, pp. 554-567.