ISSN 2409-7616

Arishina E.S, Lesher O.V., Logunova O.S., Gladysheva M.M., Gavrilov O.E.


UDC 378

Arishina E.S.1 (Beloretsk, Russian Federation) –; Lesher O.V.1 (Magnitogorsk, Russian Federation) –; Logunova O.S.1 (Magnitogorsk, Russian Federation) –; Gladysheva M.M.1 (Magnitogorsk, Russian Federation) –; Gavrilov O.E.1 (Magnitogorsk, Russian Federation) –

1Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University

Abstract. The article deals with the solution of the problem of diagnosing the development of axiological potential of university students with the help of software. The aim of the article is to reveal the peculiarities of application, content and functioning of the software of diagnostics of development of axiological potential of university students. The article presents step-by-step diagnostics of the development of axiological potential of university students, structural components and criteria: motivational, cognitive-activity, reflexive-evaluative and technological. The software is based on the technology of criterion-level assessment of the development of axiological potential of university students. In the process of software implementation the levels of development of axiological potential of university students are determined, individual and group recommendations are automatically formed and given to students on the development of axiological potential in the process of professional training. The implementation of recommendations that develop students’ axiological potential takes place in learning activities: cognitive, project, study and research. Application of the software by the teacher-researcher at practical classes of the disciplines ‘Personal and professional self-development’, ‘Technology of team building and self-development’, ‘Technology of professional and personal self-development’, ‘Social partnership’, ‘Promotion of scientific products’, ‘Project activity’ organises independent extracurricular and classroom work of students, contributing to the development of axiological potential. This software supports monitoring and visualisation of diagnostics of axiological potential development as a whole, each component separately, archival storage of obtained data and confidentiality of information. The software is tested and implemented in the process of professional training of students of Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after G.I. Nosov and its branch in Beloretsk. The computer program ‘Diagnostics of axiological potential development’ methodologically and technologically provides experimental research of students’ axiological potential development in the digital educational environment of the university.

Keywords: axiological potential, university students, computer program, experiment, diagnostics, monitoring, visualisation, archive.


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For citation: Arishina E.S, Lesher O.V., Logunova O.S., Gladysheva M.M., Gavrilov O.E. Software for diagnosing the development of axiological potential of university students. CITISE, 2024, no. 2, pp. 461-477.