Chebotareva I.V.
UDC 373.3.015.31:173
Chebotareva I.V.1 (Lugansk, Russian Federation) –
1Lugansk State Pedagogical University
Abstract. The article focuses on the characteristics of a strong family as a spiritual and moral value. The main negative trends occurring in the family are presented: the growth of divorces, incomplete families, transition to new forms of family relations, poor performance of the main functions, primarily educational, deformation of child-parent relations, popularisation of the voluntary childlessness ideology, etc., which indicates the crisis of the family as a social institution. The aim of the research is to identify a number of traditional family values, the formation of which should be paid attention to in the process of work with children of younger school age: love of spouses, fidelity, mutual respect, spirituality, labour as a means of preserving family happiness; health; maternity, paternity, conscious parenting; the value of children, their upbringing as happy and responsible citizens, etc. With the aim of improving the effectiveness of the process of formation of family values, the peculiarities of development of children of the indicated age as a sensitive period for moral formation of personality are identified. The ways of solving this problem are proposed: increasing the competence of parents in using the potential of fiction as an educational tool (creation of a parental community “Spiritual Revival of the Family” (unit “Revival of Good Traditions of Family Reading”), as well as the organisation of work with younger schoolchildren on the basis of fiction texts read together with parents, containing images of a spiritually healthy family, functioning on the basis of traditional family values. The results of the research can be useful for teachers of higher education in the process of professional training of pedagogues of primary education, practicing pedagogues, as well as parents of younger schoolchildren.
Keywords: family, social institution, traditional family values, parents, pedagogues, younger schoolchildren.
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For citation: Chebotareva I.V. Formation of traditional family values in younger schoolchildren by means of fiction. CITISE, 2024, no. 2, pp. 407-417.