ISSN 2409-7616

Tikhomirova V.A., Sharocheva M.A., Glushkova A.Yu.


UDC 377.5

Tikhomirova V.A.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –; Sharocheva M.A.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –; Glushkova A.Yu.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –

1Moscow Financial and Industrial University «Synergy»

Abstract.The modern system of professional education often faces the problem of the prevalence of theoretical material in the learning process over applied professional skills. If special disciplines are studied only with the help of theoretical methods and techniques, then it is highly likely that in the future students will not be able to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. To solve this problem, the issue of introducing case technologies into the educational process of studying special disciplines is currently being actively considered.The article discusses the methodological aspects of the implementation of case technology in the practice of teaching students of secondary vocational education. It has been revealed that one of the most effective methods of achieving the goal of medical education in the quality training of mid-level specialists is called case technology, the purpose of which is to solve specific practical situations that need to be analyzed, the problem identified and solved under given conditions. It is noted that the educational effect of the case in a medical college allows you to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, develop the skills necessary to solve life situations, develop critical, logical thinking, increase motivation and search for new information, the ability to analyze the data obtained, and develop an understanding of responsibility for the decision made. The methodological features of the use of case technology in a medical college include: format for introducing and working with a case, generalization of knowledge, goals and objectives of using case technology, form of the case, distribution of roles and their clear content, choice of content, degree of complexity, presentation of the results of solving the case and summing up, determining the level of development of skills to solve cases.

Keywords: case, medical college, task, problem-based learning.


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For citation: Tikhomirova V.A., Sharocheva M.A., Glushkova A.Yu. Methodological aspects of implementation of case technologies in the practice of training vet students. CITISE, 2024, no. 2, pp. 398-406.