Epishina L.V.
UDC 373.2
Epishina L.V.1 (Orekhovo-Zuyevo, Russian Federation) – lara-oz@mail.ru
1State University of Humanities and Technology
Abstract. The article presents the results of theoretical and applied research conducted in kindergartens in the city. Orekhovo-Zuyevo, Moscow region, on the use of innovative gaming technologies in the environmental development of preschool children. The modern theoretical basis of environmental education for preschool children is analyzed, which is considered in the new paradigm of ecocentricity, requiring the use of new approaches and innovative gaming technologies in its use. A brief analysis of studies conducted in the scientific community and well-proven in the field of introducing innovative educational technologies that contribute to the effective environmental development of preschool children is presented. From the perspective of a systematic approach, the stages of development of gaming technologies in a kindergarten are analyzed. In the course of the study of innovative gaming technologies as a means of training, education and development of preschool children, the most effective of them were identified, as well as the main goals, objectives, distinctive features of their use in a preschool educational organization, and advanced pedagogical experience in this area was analyzed. Some results of an experimental study of the level of environmental knowledge and skills of preschool children are presented, including information about nature, rules of behavior in it, separate waste collection, proper disposal of hazardous waste, and participation in environmental actions. The main results of the ascertaining, formative, and control stages of the experimental research are characterized. The techniques and methods proposed in various teaching aids and articles demonstrating advanced pedagogical experience are characterized from a professional perspective. Examples of some author’s games and game tasks that include an innovative component are given. Conclusions are drawn about the development of children’s desire for active knowledge of the world around them and nature in preschool age; focus on innovative gaming technologies for environmental development; the need to use innovative gaming technologies in the environmental development of preschool children based on cooperation with teachers, children and their parents. Directions for further continuation of the research are listed.
Keywords: innovation, technology, preschooler, kindergarten, teacher, ecology, development, research.
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For citation: Epishina L.V. Innovative game technologies as a means of ecological development of preschool children. CITISE, 2024, no. 2, pp. 386-397.