ISSN 2409-7616

Stepkina L.V., Shimanovskaya Y.V., Kvitkovskaya A.A.


UDC 378.1     

Stepkina L.V.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –; Shimanovskaya Y.V.2 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – ; Kvitkovskaya A.A.2 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –


2Russian State Social University

Abstract. The professional skill of a teacher largely depends not only on his knowledge, but also on his personality and his methodological preparedness. In the context of reforming the higher education system, methodological work acquires special value, since scientific and methodological work is one of the most important factors in improving the quality of education and creating an innovative educational environment. The modern education system is changing the work of a teacher, shifting the emphasis from the classroom component of the load to the methodological one. We consider one of the important qualitative characteristics of a higher school teacher – methodological culture, analyzing its main components, its essence and content. Analysis of the process of development of methodological work showed that the introduction of new educational standards of higher education, focused on the formation of competencies, accordingly changes its forms, methods, role and significance for professional training. In fact, the methodological preparedness of university teachers is one of the important components of pedagogical professionalism – which determines the interest of many researchers in the formation of the methodological culture of higher education teaching staff. Methodological work helps to get rid of outdated views, makes the teacher more susceptible to external changes, which ultimately increases both his competitiveness and the entire system as a whole. Methodological culture provides for a high level of development of the teacher’s personality and his professional skills in the organization and implementation of the educational process. Formed at a high level, it allows the teacher to navigate modern scientific and methodological approaches to the implementation of teaching activities, and effectively use innovative and new teaching technologies.

Keywords: methodical culture, higher school teacher, methodical readiness, quality of education.


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For citation: Stepkina L.V., Shimanovskaya Y.V., Kvitkovskaya A.A. Methodical culture of a university teacher: investigation of the phenomenon. CITISE, 2024, no. 2, pp. 378-385.