Berman N.D.
UDC 378.147
Abstract. Rapid technological development affects all areas of society and our daily lives. In today’s world, everyone needs to understand the fundamentals of underlying technologies and the opportunities and potential challenges they bring. In the era of digitalization, computer science, programming and other computer sciences have become a kind of basic literacy, comparable in importance to traditional reading, writing and numeracy skills. To succeed in this changing world, students need to be able to think critically and solve complex and ill-defined problems, be adaptable, sensitive to change, and be able to use the power of computers to solve complex problems. One approach to teaching these skills is to foster computational thinking. The development of computational thinking in students is becoming an increasingly urgent task in education due to the large-scale digital transformation of society and the economy, as well as the growing need for effective methods for solving complex problems. The purpose of this work is to consider the advantages and problems of using computational thinking, the practical need for its formation among university students. Computational thinking goes beyond computer science and programming and is also applied to a variety of fields in which students learn to approach problems in a systematic and analytical way. Developing computational thinking among students helps them acquire skills that allow them to take an integrated approach to solving various problems in the digital age. Professionals with advanced computational thinking skills are in demand due to their ability to solve complex problems and develop innovative approaches to problem solving.
Keywords: computational thinking, critical thinking, digital competencies, technology, digital technologies, decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction, algorithms, generalization, computer science, programming, education.
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For citation: Berman N.D. Advantages and problems of using computational thinking in education. CITISE, 2024, no. 2, pp. 271-278.