ISSN 2409-7616

Kargapolova E.V., Fedotova S.D., Otrashkevich V.S., Aksyutina I.V.


UDC 37.025

Kargapolova E.V.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –; Fedotova S.D.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –; Otrashkevich V.S.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –; Aksyutina I.V.2 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –

1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

2MIREA — Russian Technological University

Abstract. Russia is a country with the richest traditions of spiritual and moral education, but the crisis of spirituality has also affected Russian society. The crisis is a time of new opportunities related to the rethinking of cultural heritage, the potentials of man–made challenges. The most important is the analysis of the specific conditions for the revival of spirituality based on empirical studies of ordinary Russians. So, in the course of an initiative study on the topic “Our spirituality”, residents of Moscow and the Moscow region were asked the question “What does your Soul love?”. The results of the answers to this question were interpreted by the authors of the article through the prism of the patristic tradition of representing the Soul as synonymous with Life. The authors also rely on the theoretical understanding in scientific discourse of the transition from the traditional genotype to the technocratic, from the culture of the Soul to the civilization of the psyche. This transition, according to the authors, leads to a loss of the integrity of human existence, devaluation of its potential as a subject of socio-historical activity and culture. Based on the results of an empirical study, the predominance of the traditional genotype in the minds of the respondents is shown. Among the value orientations of Life, that is, what the Soul loves, communication with loved ones leads the respondents by a wide margin. This is followed by listening to good music, contemplating nature, helping people, and wanting to be alone with yourself. During the analysis, the intergenerational features of life orientations were revealed. Older generations are more inclined to the traditional genotype (the value of professional activity, creativity, cooking). While the younger generations are more focused on technogenic practices (social networks, computer games), leading to the replacement of the Soul with the psyche. But young people are also more likely than the elderly to seek an information detox. I am glad that technogenic practices are at the end of the ranked list of what the Soul loves, the life orientations of the respondents.

Keywords: spirituality, spiritual preferences, Soul, value orientations of Life, theory of generations.


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For citation: Kargapolova E.V., Fedotova S.D., Otrashkevich V.S., Aksyutina I.V. “What does your Soul Love?” (Value orientations of life in the views of Russians). CITISE, 2024, no. 2, pp. 212-225.