ISSN 2409-7616

Tikhonova I.I., Dzhaneryan S.T., Gvozdeva D.I., Baksheev A.I., Shafazhinskaya N.E.


UDC 378

Tikhonova I.I.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –; Dzhaneryan S.T.2 (Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation) –; Gvozdeva D.I.2 (Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation) –; Baksheev A.I.3 (Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation) –; Shafazhinskaya N.E.4 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –

1Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)

2Southern Federal University

3Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Professor V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky Ministry of Health of Russia

4K.G. Razumovsky Moscow State University of Technologies and Management (the First Cossack University)

Abstract. The 2020 pandemic compelled the global community to reconsider current approaches to education, shifting it into the online space. This article explores the current aspects of organizing distance learning in Russian universities. The problem addressed is the effectiveness and challenges of this form of education for both students and educators. To optimize the process of distance learning, the authors developed a cumulative assessment system for evaluating students’ educational performance. The aim of the study is to describe and assess the developed system, its relevance, and impact on academic performance. The research methodology involved a pedagogical experiment with second-year students. To test the effectiveness of the system, students were divided into two groups – experimental and control. Comparative, logical-systematic, structural-functional analyses of psychological-pedagogical literature, and surveys were applied in processing the results. The experiment identified the pedagogical effect of the developed assessment system, which increased student motivation and positive changes in learning quality. The article also highlights that the use of a virtual learning environment contributes to more flexible organization of the educational process and assessment of student activities. The authors emphasize the importance of effective management of student group work and the development of electronic etiquette within online learning. The structure of the developed assessment system has potential for use in teaching disciplines of various profiles.

Keywords: distance learning, cumulative assessment system, student motivation, learning effectiveness, self-study, pedagogy.


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For citation: Tikhonova I.I., Dzhaneryan S.T., Gvozdeva D.I., Baksheev A.I., Shafazhinskaya N.E. System for assessing the success of online learning students under quarantine restrictions. CITISE, 2024, no. 2, pp. 199-211.