ISSN 2409-7616

Bykasova L.V., Garmash S.V., Pershonkova E.A., Podberezny V.V., Samoylova A.N.


UDC 378

Bykasova L.V.1 (Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation) –; Garmash S.V.1 (Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation) –; Pershonkova E.A.1 (Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation) –; Podberezny V.V.1 (Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation) –; Samoylova A.N.2 (Taganrog, Russian Federation) –

1Rostov State Economic University

2Southern Federal University

Abstract. From the perspective of cognitive and axiological approaches, the article attempts to identify the peculiarities of the formation of the digital culture “homo informaticus” of the 21st century, for which the authors turn to the definition of concepts introduced into the outline of the article; consider the possibility of replicating the best educational practices to prepare modern students; reveal the amplification of education through the prism of its main essential attributes. The article draws attention to the modeling of the network and digital competencies of the subject through the formation of the student’s ability to resist modern mutations of narratives and the acquisition of educational experience through the practice of social design, and also identifies the main factors influencing the formation of the worldview of a modern schoolchild living in the era of total digitalization. The ability of “homo informaticus” to exist in information and communication environments, in the developed technoculture of smartphones, is reflected by the authors as an integral and integral part of pedagogical deontology, which is especially relevant in the modern sociocultural situation, forming a cultural “hegemony of numbers”, positioning the synthesis of diverse segments of society to prescribe Internet discourse of relevant moral maxims and rules of adequate communication, compliance with legislation, norms of legal psychology. In the article, the authors draw attention to the resources of the media market, which shapes the worldview of the subject of modern education, the various socio-political roles of the media, the possibility of selecting broadcast material and determining its authenticity, objectivity and value for children and youth. The non-conflict existence of a modern subject in a digital society requires adherence to the basic principles of education, which fundamentally form the conceptual framework of digital culture, aimed at revealing the personal balance of the modern personality.

Keywords: digital culture, modern schoolchildren, media location skills, Internet, network and digital competence, citizenship.


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For citation: Bykasova L.V., Garmash S.V., Pershonkova E.A., Podberezny V.V., Samoylova A.N. Digital culture «homo informaticus». CITISE, 2024, no. 2, pp. 173-185.