ISSN 2409-7616

Turilova A.O., Zinchenko V.O.


UDC 378.147

Turilova A.O.1 (Lugansk, Russian Federation) –; Zinchenko V.O.1 (Lugansk, Russian Federation) –

1Lugansk State Pedagogical University

Abstract. Currently, technological progress affects all spheres of society, changes our daily lives and affects the work of all social institutions, including the media and television. New formats of activity and interaction in society are causing changes in the requirements placed today on television journalists, whose activities are increasingly becoming project-based. Despite the numerous publications on the problem of preparing modern specialists for project activities, there is practically no research on the systematic formation of readiness for project activities among future television journalists within higher education. The purpose of this study is to analyze the scientific and educational literature and the approaches proposed in them to clarify the essence of the project activity of a television journalist as a component of the professional activity of these specialists, which will allow us to determine the content, forms, methods and means of developing readiness for project activity in future television journalists. In the research process, general scientific methods were used, as well as the leading provisions of the system-activity and project methodological approaches. Based on the multifaceted and interdisciplinary nature of the category “activity”, the approaches of scientists and practitioners to the goals, objectives and content of a television journalist’s activity, as a result of the study, the author’s approach to understanding the essence of the professional activity of a television journalist, the features of design in television journalism and the specifics of the project activity of a television journalist was formed. The results obtained contribute to the development of the theoretical foundations for developing readiness for project activities among future journalists, which will improve the overall process of professional training of these specialists.

Keywords: professional activity of a television journalist, project activity of a television journalist, readiness for project activity, design, media project, project method.


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For citation: Turilova A.O., Zinchenko V.O. TV journalists’ project activity: the essence and relevance of the formation. CITISE, 2024, no. 2, pp. 136-147.