ISSN 2409-7616

Ivanchuk O.V., Plashchevaya E.V., Lanina S.Y.


UDC 372.8


Abstract. Today’s realities demonstrate rapid changes in the market of technologies and services, socio-economic changes and abundance of information, including in the field of medicine and health care. Undoubtedly, the development of information and digital technologies in the field of medicine and health care is aimed at improving the quality of medical care. High-tech diagnostics and treatment, medical information systems. enabling decision-making under conditions of uncertainty are all necessary components of the modern process of medical care. Therefore, future physicians must be prepared to solve professional tasks using information technologies. Traditionally, this task is implemented within the framework of the “Medical Informatics” discipline. Unfortunately, medical students do not realize the importance of studying medical informatics. As part of a pedagogical experiment, we developed a medical informatics course containing information on advanced, innovative medical technologies used in dentistry. The content of the discipline also included advanced knowledge and skills in the architecture of medical information systems used in dentistry, presentation and coding of medical data and records, and systems based on artificial intelligence technologies. This course was implemented in the practice of two universities. At the end of the course, a survey of students was conducted to assess dental students’ understanding of the importance of studying medical informatics for future professional activities. Generalization of the results showed that the number of those confident in the importance of medical informatics for professional activity increased after the completion of the discipline, and there were cases of significant differences between the answers of Russian and foreign students.

Keywords:medical informatics, training of future dentists.

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For citation: Ivanchuk O.V., Plashchevaya E.V., Lanina S.Y. Medical informatics in the training system of dentist. CITISE, 2023, no. 2, pp. 411-420. DOI: