ISSN 2409-7616

Savelieva E.V., Yanygina E.V.


UDC 372.893


Abstract. The relevance of the topic is determined by the need to constantly search for and improve new teaching methods for such a specific group of students as foreign students. The purpose of the work was to demonstrate the possibilities of the principles and methods of pedagogical design in relation to this group in teaching history. When performing the study, the methods of comparative analysis, systematization and classification, as well as the method of analyzing the results of activities and talking with students were involved. The hypothesis of the study was that the developed educational content using the methods of pedagogical design will have a positive impact on the level of mastering the discipline “History” by foreign students. The article attempts to show, based on the principles of pedagogical design, the key stages in the design of the course “History” for students of the preparatory faculty of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Moscow State University of Food Production” (BIOTECH University). The study involved foreign students of the 1st year of the preparatory faculty of 2021-2022 enrollment. The study was conducted as part of the study of the basic discipline of the humanitarian cycle “History” (1-2 semesters). The results of the work during the 2021/22-2022/23 academic years showed that the designed course on the history of Russia for foreign students contributes to the optimal assimilation of the material, the formation of a tolerant life position of students. Students are well versed in Russian history, fulfilling all the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science [20] to the level of their knowledge. They show a steady cognitive interest and desire for further independent study of the topic. The study is practice-oriented. The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility and expediency of introducing the experience gained into pedagogical practice, which will improve the forms and methods of work in the process of teaching foreign students the disciplines of the humanities cycle, including history. The forms and methods of teaching described in the work, based on the principles of pedagogical design, have shown their effectiveness.

Keywords: instructional design, course design, foreign students, Russian history, electronic educational environment, types of educational work.


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For citation: Savelieva E.V., Yanygina E.V. Instructional design in teaching history to foreign students. CITISE, 2023, no. 2, pp. 289-299. DOI: