ISSN 2409-7616

Bykasova L.V., Pershonkova E.A., Podberezny V.V., Fedortsova S.S.


UDC 378


Bykasova L.V.1 (Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation) –, Pershonkova E.A.1 (Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation) –, Podberezny V.V.1 (Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation) –, Fedortsova S.S.1 (Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation) –

1Rostov State Economic University

Abstract. The article deals with modern ideas of educating children and youth from the standpoint of acmeological discourse, which sets the outline of the study and allows reflecting on the historical, social, cultural, and personal determinants of the real state of the object under study. The unfolding of personality in the process of education is studied through the prism of reflection of philosophical, psychological and pedagogical knowledge, through the study of the essence of pedagogical conceptual ideas aimed at shaping a person; the main trends in the educational process, justifying the need to scale the personality; meanings in the philosophical ego-text of scientists, in which the life model of the personality is constructed, the processes of self-knowledge and self-expression are reflected; issues of development of emerging educational practices that fix the values ​​and goals of a modern citizen; new didactic samples, striving for the creative disclosure of personality, its significance in understanding oneself in the world and the world in oneself. The authors consider the subject in the article not an abstract personality, but a person living in modern society, taking into account the specifics of the trainee’s consciousness, determined by such factors as age, social environment, nationality, worldview formation, degree of maturity. The problematic field of education of a modern schoolchild from the point of view of acmeological discourse allows us to state its indisputable philosophical significance, unconditional semantic content, undoubted phylogenetic essence, in accordance with which the article implicates an appeal to the cultural paradigm; to education as the most important means of training and education of the subject; as well as to the architectonics of the experience of the formation of the subject in education, which contributed to the expansion of the sacred landscape of the individual by expanding his practice of social design.

Keywords: education of the subject, acmeological sphere, spiritual resonance, stigmergia, synchronization.


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For citation: Bykasova L.V., Pershonkova E.A., Podberezny V.V., Fedortsova S.S. Digital technologies when working with information in teaching physics in a medical university. CITISE, 2023, no. 2, pp. 246-259. DOI: