ISSN 2409-7616

Stets A.I.


UDC 378.1


Stets A.I.1 (Perm, Russian Federation) –

1Perm military Institute of the national guard of the Russian Federation

Abstract. Today’s education system requires not only the transfer of knowledge, but also the formation of an active citizen, able to participate in the life of society and to influence its development. Therefore, it is important that legal education is not just a theoretical course, but a live experience that can be applied in practice. An integral part of the development of civil society is raising its legal awareness, increasing the legal literacy of the individual. The study of the problem of education of legal literacy. Is an important area of research in the field of modern pedagogy. The article solves the problem of defining the key concepts necessary to study the problem of legal literacy of military cadets. Approaches to the essence and content of the concepts are considers, fundamental and key concepts, concepts of professional orientation are highlighted. The research was conducted with the purpose of projecting the conceptual apparatus, carrying out the analysis of the pedagogical concept of the concept – education of legal literacy of military cadets. The circle of working concepts is defined and the category of trainees as a target group of research is specified. The correlation between the concepts and systematization of the terminological field of the scientific and pedagogical task being solved is substantiated. The content of the relatively new concept of «legal literacy» is analyzed. The results obtained made it possible to formulate the main ideas and construct a scheme of the conceptual apparatus of the study. The article emphasizes the need to continue research on the development of the structure and process of education of legal literacy of military university cadets. The proposed formulations of the concepts can be used to elaborate the content of the thematic blocks of training courses, devoted to the problems of the development of legal literacy of students.

Keywords: law, literacy, education, legal literacy, legal literacy education.


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For citation: Stets A.I. The conceptual apparatus of the study of legal literacy of military cadets. CITISE, 2023, no. 2, pp. 202-211. DOI: