ISSN 2409-7616

Luarsabovi L.L., Shibnev A.V., Pushkareva T.V.


UDC 378


Luarsabovi L.L.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – Shibnev A.V.2 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –, Pushkareva T.V.3 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –

1Moscow Financial and Industrial University “Synergy”

2Moscow City Pedagogical University

3Moscow Pedagogical State University

Abstract. The article discusses the concept of competitiveness of figure skating coaches. The need to evaluate the results of the effectiveness of the work of trainers is very important from a practical and scientific point of view.  The features of the manifestation of personal characteristics of the coach, which make up his success and competitive qualities, are also considered. The basics of personal motivation for coaching and its relationship with the manifestation of competitive advantages are described. The purpose of the study is to describe the theoretical, methodological and technological foundations of training competitive figure skating coaches. Research methodology. Analysis of pedagogical and scientific-methodological provisions, comparison of opinions, observation. As empirical methods, the questionnaire method, methods of mathematical and statistical processing, the method of synthesis of positions were used, on the basis of which a model for the development of competitive qualities of figure skating coaches was created. Scientific novelty. It consists in the fact that with the help of the analysis of theoretical positions and their own empirical research, an attempt has been made to study the development and influence of the competitiveness of coaches on their activities in the field of figure skating. Practical significance. An experimental study of professionally significant properties of a competitive personality has been conducted, which can be used in further pedagogical practice. Practical recommendations for novice figure skating coaches have been compiled, which will contribute to improving competitive characteristics The results of the study. The analysis of pedagogical literature was carried out. The professionally significant qualities of the coach’s personality are revealed. An experimental study was conducted to study the difficulties that arise in the process of professional activity of figure skating coaches, which determine the indicators of personal competitiveness.

Keywords: competitiveness, coach, athlete, competence, technique, figure skating.


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For citation: Luarsabovi L.L., Shibnev A.V., Pushkareva T.V. Competitiveness of figure skating coaches. CITISE, 2023, no. 2, pp. 167-177. DOI: