Bykasova L.V., Podberezny V.V.
UDC 378
Bykasova L.V.1 (Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation) –, Podberezny V.V.1 (Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation) –
1Rostov State Economic University
Abstract. The development of society, buffoon political, economic and socio-cultural changes, intensive unfolding of scientific and pedagogical knowledge are considered in the article from the standpoint of systemic and holographic approaches, which open up the prospect of reflection of historical determinants, genesis, evolution and formation of knowledge for the authors, which allows us to consider the essence and stages of the formation of knowledge, the main trends in the production of scientific and pedagogical knowledge and its deployment through the prism of changing, expanding and improving the terminological apparatus that reflects the meanings in the philosophical ego-text of scientists, the development of emerging educational practices, new didactic samples. The authors conduct a typological analysis of the concept of “knowledge”, which allows us to state its indisputable philosophical significance, unconditional semantic content, undoubted phylogenetic essence, in accordance with which the article implicates an appeal to cultural and historical paradigms; to education as the most important means of training and education of the subject; as well as the architectonics of the experience of becoming a subject in education by building up the knowledge potential and developing the thesaurus in the historical aspect, which contributed to the expansion of the sacred landscape of the individual by expanding his practice of social design. As a result of the study of analytical differentiation and identification of the orientation vector of scientific and pedagogical knowledge in the historical aspect, in modeling the cognitive picture of knowledge, the article discusses the development of the knowledge paradigm in technological structures through the problem field of their main resource, basic factors, fundamental achievements and sources of narratives, which contributes to establishing the social nature of knowledge by discovering its main types, nature, ways of generation, markers of formation, screening the essence of scientific and pedagogical knowledge.
Keywords: scientific and pedagogical knowledge, determinants, meanings, experience of the subject, factors of knowledge development, paradigm.
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For citation: Bykasova L.V., Podberezny V.V. Historical determinants in evolution scientific and pedagogical knowledge. CITISE, 2023, no. 1, pp. 444-457. DOI: