Ader A.V., Dudko A.V., Emets M.S., Krivolapov V.G., Laneeva E.A.
UDC 339.1:658.787
Ader A.V.1 (Orenburg, Russian Federation) –, Dudko A.V.2 (Orenburg, Russian Federation) –, Emets M.S.2 (Orenburg, Russian Federation) –, Krivolapov V.G.1 (Orenburg, Russian Federation) –, Laneeva E.A.3 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –
1Samara State University of Railways
2Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas
3State University of Management
Abstract. The article reveals the features of warehouse accounting using modern information technologies, which allows, at the stage of an increased increase in the cargo turnover of an enterprise, when the moment comes when the warehouse ceases to meet the necessary requirements, get out of a difficult organizational, technical and managerial situation. The authors consider the modern concept and tasks of warehouse logistics, describe methods that increase the efficiency of economic activity through the rational organization of material flows. Today, warehousing and cargo handling are important components of logistics activities. A prompt response to a reduction in the time cycle for the delivery of goods, the formation of general stocks, various costs for delivery, storage and warehousing is possible with the right organizational and informational approach, which is a general component in the competition between manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers. It is based on an analysis of the current conceptual foundations of warehouse logistics management. High internal industry competition in all sectors of the economy predetermines the task of stimulating prompt response to the introduction of information technology, software in the field of warehouse logistics. At modern large-scale enterprises, various technological measures are carried out by the employer regarding the use of software, the use of CRM, CSM, ERP, the Internet, which opens up the possibility of interactive communications both within the enterprise and with buyers, suppliers, partners and other counterparties of the external environment. The article is based on the theoretical and monographic method, which makes it possible to analyze the multidimensional approaches of domestic and foreign authors to the informatization of the warehouse economy in general, and warehouse accounting in particular.
Keywords: logistics, warehouse, warehouse logistics, supply chains, information technology, Internet, communications, suppliers, supply chains.
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For citation: Ader A.V., Dudko A.V., Emets M.S., Krivolapov V.G., Laneeva E.A. Features of introduction of information technologies in warehouse. CITISE, 2023, no. 1, pp. 387-404. DOI: