Bykov A.K.
UDC 378.126
Bykov A.K.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –
1Military University named after Prince Alexander Nevsky of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
Abstract. In the article, the starting point is the normative obligation to use methods of stimulating active cognitive activity of cadets by a teacher at a lecture at a military university. The cognitive activity of students in higher education is understood as a purposeful process of their active intellectual and practical actions for the development of academic disciplines, mastering knowledge, skills, abilities, competencies. A pedagogical technique is interpreted as a way of performing an action through certain operations; the action itself can act as a technique. Pedagogical techniques act as a structural element of pedagogical activity and pedagogical technique of a military university teacher. Methods of activating cognitive activity of cadets of military universities at lectures, on the basis of dependence on the methods used to activate cognitive activity, are classified into the following groups: 1) techniques that contribute to the emergence of a problematic situation during the lecture; 2) techniques for increasing cognitive interest in the material being presented, attracting attention to it; 3) techniques for attracting attention by the teacher to himself and his speech; 4) techniques for updating the motivation of cadets to study educational material during the introductory, main and final part of the lecture; 5) techniques related to the culture of speech. Some examples of the application of methods of activating cognitive activity of students in the works of prominent Russian figures, teachers are given. The actual factors of the teacher’s choice of methods for activating the cognitive activity of cadets at lectures are substantiated.
Keywords: cognitive activity, military university, cadets of military universities, activation of cognitive activity, lecture, pedagogical reception, methods of activating cognitive activity.
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For citation: Bykov A.K. Methods of activating cognitive activity of military university cadets at lectures. CITISE, 2023, no. 1, pp. 365-377. DOI: