ISSN 2409-7616

Polupanenko E.G.


UDC 372.854:66


Polupanenko E.G.1 (Lugansk, Russian Federation) –

1Lugansk State Pedagogical University

Abstract. The system of school chemistry education today requires significant modernization of the targeted content, technological and gnostic components. However, when choosing the vectors for the development of the system of chemical education for schoolchildren, it is necessary to pay the retro experience of the Soviet education system. The national traditions of the Soviet attention school and the positive experience accumulated during the Soviet period should be associated with new concepts and strategies for the development of chemical education in Russia. The article presents the results of a historical and pedagogical research of the positive and negative aspects of the development of chemical education for schoolchildren in the Soviet period. The character traits of the development of schoolchildren chemical education in 1917–1930, which were due to the reconstruction of the existing school education system and the active testing of new forms, methods and means of education are described. The trends in the development of chemistry education for schoolchildren in 1931–1957, which were the result of changes in the main educational paradigm a return to the pre-revolutionary classroom system, the resumption of subject education, and the separation of chemistry into a separate school subject are considered. The features of the development of the schoolchildren chemical education in 1958–1991 which were the result of significant changes in the political, socio-economic, cultural spheres of society, which was accompanied by the transition to universal compulsory secondary education, strengthening the material and technical equipment of schools and out-of-school educational organizations, increasing quality of training of future teachers of chemistry are indicated. The main features and characteristic trends of the gradual development of Soviet school chemical education are identified, the consideration of which is necessary for the implementation of the productive legacy of the Soviet system of chemical education of schoolchildren in modern conditions.

Keywords: chemical education in the Soviet period, education of schoolchildren, chemical education, educational reforms, positive and negative aspects of Soviet chemical education.


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For citation: Polupanenko E.G. Positive and negative aspects in the development of the system of domestic chemical education for schoolchildren of the Soviet period. CITISE, 2023, no. 1, pp. 346-357. DOI: