ISSN 2409-7616

Lanina S.Yu.


УДК 372.851


Lanina S.Yu.1 (Blagoveshchensk, Russian Federation) –

1Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University

Abstract. Mathematics, as a branch of science, has always been and remains an integral part in the development of new scientific research. Those concepts, methods, ideas that originated in mathematics, over time, began to bear a general scientific character. But mathematics, as a science, as a school subject, as a university discipline, must not stand still, it must keep pace with the times. The purpose of the study is to identify the main trends in the development of school mathematical education. The analysis of articles on this topic, the analysis of legal documents related to the organization and implementation of the educational process in the school in general, and the subject area of ​​mathematics in particular, as well as a survey of school mathematics teachers helped to identify the following trends in the development of school mathematical education: 1) organization project activities of students during school hours and after hours; 2) the use of digital, information and communication educational technologies in mathematics classes; 3) the use of educational and technological resources of the centers “IT-cube”, “Point of growth”, technopark “Quantorium” in the organization of mathematical education; 4) inclusion in the content of mathematical education – mathematical informatics; 5) practice-oriented teaching of mathematics; 6) taking into account the individual characteristics of students. A detailed description of each of the identified trends is given. So, for example, for the trend of organizing project activities of students during school hours and after school hours, specific options for integrative projects are presented that reveal the meaningful connections of mathematics with such subject areas as: physics, chemistry and biology.

Keywords: tendencies, mathematical education, basic general education, basic secondary education.


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For citation: Lanina S.Yu. Organization of project activities of students during and after school hours. CITISE, 2023, no. 1, pp. 338-345. DOI: