Lvova S.V.
UDC 37.015.3
Lvova S.V.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –
1Moscow State Pedagogical University
Abstract. In this paper, theoretical approaches and empirical results of the study of psychological features of self-attitude and loneliness experience in adolescence and adolescence were considered. At the beginning of the article, a review of literary sources that allow answering the question about the essence of the phenomenon of loneliness is carried out. A comparative analysis of the main approaches to understanding its origin, possible connection with other individual psychological, age and personal qualities of a person is carried out. In connection with the highlighted issues, a certain age group, teenagers and young men, came into the focus of our attention. The study involved students of Moscow city schools and students of Moscow City Pedagogical University, with whom a block of diagnostic techniques was conducted: “Differential questionnaire of loneliness experience” (E.N. Osin, D.A. Leontiev), “Phillips school anxiety level test”, “Self-attitude research Methodology” (S.R. Pantileev), “Questionnaire for determining the type of loneliness” (S.G.Korchagina), “Study of volitional self-regulation” (A.V. Zverkov, E.V. Eidman). The phenomenon of loneliness has been studied as a factor affecting mental health in adolescence and adolescence. Both positive and negative effects of this phenomenon on the psyche were studied. The relationship between self-attitude, the experience of loneliness and the level of anxiety was considered. The differences in the perception of loneliness between younger and older adolescents were analyzed. The scientific relevance of such an analysis lies in the fact that it allows us to understand some of the psychological mechanisms of the occurrence of this phenomenon hidden until now, in particular, the role of psychological self-regulation processes in their genesis. Knowledge of these mechanisms can open the way to a scientifically based search for ways of psychological correction and psychotherapy of states associated with the experience of loneliness.
Keywords: younger and older adolescents, self-attitude, loneliness, anxiety, internal conflict, stress resistance, self-blame, self-confidence, self-guidance, self-acceptance, perseverance, self-control, social activity.
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For citation: Lvova S.V. Age-related features of self-attitude and loneliness experiences. CITISE, 2023, no. 1, pp. 267-279. DOI: