ISSN 2409-7616

Kelesh Yu.V., Shishkova O.N., Barteneva A.A.


UDC 330.15


Kelesh Yu.V.1 (Kursk, Russian Federation) –, Shishkova O.N.1 (Kursk, Russian Federation) –, Barteneva A.A.1 (Kursk, Russian Federation) –

1Southwest State University

Abstract.  The main research is devoted to identifying the strengths and weaknesses of digital transformation in the leading sectors of the regional economy. The relevance of this study can be confirmed by the fact that modern technological development requires an appropriate rapid response from the regions, which, in turn, should be expressed in the rational construction of the process of digital transformation of the regional economy. Methodology. Legislative acts, current regulatory legal acts and scientific publications on the digital transformation of the sectoral regional economy served as the information base for the study. The following methods are used in this study: statistical analysis, comparison and synthesis, SWOT analysis, graphical visualization of data. Results. 1. An analysis of economic activities in the Kursk region was carried out and their share in the GRP structure was determined. 2. As a result of the identification of two leading industries for the production of products in the Kursk region, a SWOT analysis of the implementation of digital transformation in these industries was carried out, strengths and weaknesses, as well as opportunities and threats were identified. Conclusions. Digital technologies make it possible to revolutionize various sectors of the economy. Digital technologies provide a new qualitative level of the economy. It is for this reason that the process of digital transformation of the regional economy is very relevant, since the overall position of the state in the global high-tech markets depends on the level of its development. Taking into account the identification of the leading sectors of the economy in the Kursk region during the study, an important point is the need to stimulate the process of digitalization in these industries; ways to improve the introduction of digital technologies in industry and agriculture of the Kursk region were proposed.

Keywords: digital transformation, factors of digital transformation, digital economy, regional economy, competitiveness of the economy, types of economic activity, production index, SWOT analysis.


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For citation:

Kelesh Yu.V., Shishkova O.N., Barteneva A.A. The sectoral aspect of the development of the digital transformation of the regional economy // CITISE. 2022. №. 4. pp.518-533. DOI: