ISSN 2409-7616

Ashurov T.Sh.


UDC 330                                                


Ashurov T.Sh.1,2 (Derbent, Russian Federation) –

1Dagestan State Technical University2Dagestan State University

2Dagestan State University

Abstract. In this article, the author considers the sanctions crisis of the Russian economy. At the moment, the stable and sustainable position of the state is determined mainly by the level of development of its economy. In this regard, the termination or restriction of economic relations can have serious consequences for the normal functioning of the country. The purpose of writing this article is to analyze the main trends and directions of development of the economy of the Russian Federation under the sanctions of Western Europe and the United States. Achieving the goal in the study is possible when solving such problems as: revealing the nature and essence of financial crises; consideration of the largest financial crises of the 20th century; determination of the causes of the emergence and manifestation of the current financial crisis; study of the chronology and nature of the sanctions imposed on the Russian Federation by the countries of Western Europe and determine their impact on the economic relations of Russia with the EU; analysis of the sanctions crisis in the Russian economy; analysis of the impact of sanctions on the main sectors of the economy of the Russian Federation. The article uses a set of measures of scientific knowledge, including: a systematic approach, analysis of numerical data and the method of comparisons and analogies. The article also outlines three main stages of sanctions pressure on Russia, such as: a stage of targeted sanctions against specific individuals and legal entities whose actions are believed to have threatened the territorial integrity and political stability of Ukraine; a stage of sectoral sanctions aimed not at “punishing” specific individuals and legal entities, but at causing damage to certain sectors of the Russian economy, regardless of whether companies in these industries are involved in the crisis in Ukraine or not; phase of expansion of sectoral sanctions. In the article, as results, the author presents conclusions, for example, such as: expansion of technology exports to the countries of the East, Africa and South America; improvement of technological capabilities of own production; development of own meat production, the emergence of its new directions; development of its own fishing industry through the creation of specialized exchanges; development of own dairy production.

Keywords. sanctions, crisis, methodology, banking system, risks, analysis, trend, factors.


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For citation:

Ashurov T.Sh. Sanction crisis of the Russian economy. CITISE, 2022, no. 4, pp. 350-363. DOI: