Sekinaeva B.Sh., Galavanova Z.E.
UDC 371
Sekinaeva B.Sh.1 (Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation) –, Galavanova Z.E.1 (Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation) –
1North Ossetian State University named after K.L. Khetagurova
Abstract. The article is devoted to the problem of forming the readiness of students – future teachers of mathematics for the implementation of project activities in a secondary school. At present, society needs thinking, socially responsible, independent young people who have developed critical thinking, creative potential, and are able to navigate in a rapidly changing flow of information. The modern school is required to prepare not only knowledgeable students, but also students who are able to apply their knowledge in practice for effective activity in a specific situation based on innovative teaching and upbringing technologies. As one of these technologies, the article considers project activities as an innovative mechanism for managing the quality of education. The technology of project activity is becoming widely used and of particular importance in the conditions of the modern information society, when large-scale digitalization of all vital government structures, including education, is carried out. Under these conditions, project activity becomes a target setting aimed at ensuring interdisciplinary integration, since in the process of project activity, participants solve not only mental problems, but also implement them in practical work, due to which new or existing conditions of the educational process are created, or the existing ones are transformed. aimed at improving the education system as a whole. The types of projects presented by the authors of the article and the conditions for their implementation are one of the available ways to solve the problem of preparing students – future teachers of mathematics for the implementation of project activities in a secondary school. The proposed types of projects, including interdisciplinary, didactic and methodological projects, can be useful for teachers of educational organizations to use in their practical teaching activities, as well as for students to master the skills of independent research and project work.
Keywords: student training, project activities, innovative technologies, training of a future mathematics teacher, research work.
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For citation:
Sekinaeva B.Sh., Galavanova Z.E. Forming the readiness of students – future teachers of mathematics for project activities. CITISE, 2022, no. 4, pp. 327-335. DOI: