ISSN 2409-7616

Dzhioeva G.Kh., Ortabaeva F.Kh.


UDC 371


Dzhioeva G.Kh.1 (Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation) –, Ortabaeva F.Kh.2 (Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation) –

1North Ossetian State University named after K.L. Khetagurova

2School No.1 named after. D. Khugaeva

Abstract. The article reveals the main directions of the formation of the ability of students of a general education school to moral and aesthetic perception of the surrounding reality at literature lessons in the conditions of a modern educational environment. Recently, attention has significantly increased to the theory and practice of moral and aesthetic education of the younger generation, as the most important means of forming a harmoniously developed, spiritually rich personality from the standpoint of established aesthetic and social ideals. The system of moral and aesthetic education aims to teach students to perceive themselves in the real world that surrounds them. Among the moral and aesthetic values that meet the requirements of modern society, the authors pay special attention to the ability to feel, comprehend and create conditions that make people’s lives more fulfilling and relaxed. Moral and aesthetic education of schoolchildren, acting as an organic part of the educational process, contributes to the civilized identification of the student’s personality through acquaintance with cultural and historical values, literary and artistic creativity. This educational system is aimed at the development of a creative personality, striving for self-improvement and self-development, capable of using and appreciating the spiritual and material resources of society. The authors consider the moral education of students, first of all, as one of the essential components of the multilateral process of the formation of the personality as a whole, their mastery of ethical norms and values, the orientation of the personality towards ideals that correspond to socially established principles, norms and rules. A significant direction in improving the process of moral and aesthetic education, in the context of the devaluation of moral values and priorities, is the use of targeted educational programs and projects in pedagogical activities that contribute to the development of students’ knowledge of soulfulness, mercy, nobility, fidelity, culture, responsibility.

Keywords: aesthetic education, literature, methods and means of moral and aesthetic education, creativity.


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For citation:

Dzhioeva G.Kh., Ortabaeva F.Kh. Moral and aesthetic education of schoolchildren by means of literary and artistic creativity. CITISE, 2022, no. 4, pp.199-207. DOI: