ISSN 2409-7616

Genvareva Yu.A., Marchenkova N.G.


UDC 378


Генварева Ю.А.1 (Оренбург,  Россия) –, Марченкова Н.Г.2 (Оренбург,  Россия) –

1Самарский государственный университет путей сообщения

2Российский государственный университет нефти и газа имени И. М. Губкина

Abstract. The task of modern higher education is to create conditions for the formation of professional competencies among future graduates. In this scientific work, the issue of training highly qualified railway engineers is considered. The purpose of this scientific work is to identify the potential of academic disciplines: “Physics” and “Mathematics” in the formation of professional competencies of railway workers. The features of the formation of professional competencies in the study of the general course of physics and mathematics are revealed. The importance of these disciplines can hardly be overestimated, since the disciplines are studied in the first and second year of railway engineering specialties and are included in the mandatory component of the curriculum determined by the Federal State Educational Standard. As part of the study of disciplines, lectures, practical classes are held and, when studying physics, laboratory work is carried out with the study of professional–oriented material. Consideration of professionally-directed material contributes to a deeper study of the subject, the disclosure of mathematical concepts, consideration of application issues, the study of physical processes, laws and phenomena from an applied point of view. This approach to the study of the disciplines “Physics” and “Mathematics” allows you to model physical laws and processes using modern high-tech technologies, the use of which can be traced in the railway complex. Students receive their first skills in solving problems in mathematics, physical problems within the technological process of the railway industry. The article analyzes the concept of “professionally-oriented task”, “professional competence”. The author has developed the requirements for the content of a professionally oriented task in the discipline “Physics” and “Mathematics”, and also presents the conditions for using these tasks in the educational process and examples of their content. An algorithm for solving practice-oriented tasks is presented in the form of a statement of the stages of solving the problem: indicative, executive, control and correction. In the process of solving professionally-oriented tasks, students expand and deepen their knowledge of mathematical theory, physical laws, phenomena and formulas, gain new experience in the practical application of knowledge in an industrial situation.

Keywords: competence, professional competence, professionally-oriented task.


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For citation:

Genvareva Yu.A., Marchenkova N.G. Solving professionally-oriented problems in physics and mathematics as a means of forming the professional competence of a future engineer. CITISE, 2022, no. 4, pp.171-179. DOI: