Akoev A.R.
UDC 378
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2022.4.15
Akoev A.R.1 (Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation) – kesaevz@bk.ru
1North Ossetian State University named after K.L. Khetagurova
Abstract. The article analyzes the conditions for improving physical culture and its influence on the formation of students’ social health. Physical culture and sports at all times were considered as the most important means of improving the state of health, and as a result, the implementation of a successful life. For a long time at the university in physical culture and sports classes, students performed standard exercises, passed control standards, and this limited their physical activity. There were no social and health aspects in the classroom, students did not receive theoretical knowledge in physical education and sports either. It should also be added that the students did not have the ability to independently select effective means to increase the physical potential of working capacity, the skills of self-assessment of their individual capabilities in the field of physical culture and sports. In connection with the above, the priority task of the education system is to ensure the physical education of students with a health-improving orientation; the formation of their moral and value attitude to a healthy lifestyle; being mainly a social sphere, to contribute to the formation and strengthening of the social health of students. Particular attention is paid to the leading factors in the formation of social health, the need to use the potential of physical culture as one of the effective means of forming and maintaining a person’s social health, positive characteristics of the physical state and potential of the individual is proved. The role of the social and psychological aspects of health in improving the processes of harmonious development of the internal motivational sphere of the personality is great; education of social-perceptual interpersonal relationships; flexible adaptation in a rapidly changing society. In the modern world, one often hears the slogans: “Physical culture is our health”, “Movement is life”, “A healthy mind in a healthy body”. The author of the article also includes the slogan “Physical culture is a guarantee of the social health of society” among these slogans.
Keywords: social health, physical condition, adaptation, physical culture.
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For citation:
Akoev A.R. Formation of social health of students by means of physical culture. CITISE, 2022, no. 4, pp.163-170. DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2022.4.15