Plashchevaya E.V., Ivanchuk O.V.
UDC 371.3:004.738.52
Plashchevaya E.V.1 (Blagoveshchensk, Russian Federation) –, Ivanchuk O.V.2 (Astrakhan, Russian Federation) –
1Amur State Medical Academy
2Astrakhan State Medical University
Abstract. Nowadays social networks have come a long way from just a means of communication. Having expanded their capabilities, social networks have become a platform for discussing various subjects and issues, an advertising tool, a means of online video and audio connection as well as an immediate source of information alongside the traditional media. Social networks are used in the medical sphere as well. They are used in the pharmaceutical spheres and in the healthcare system in general. Due to this there appear controversial opinions about the usefulness of the social networks among the practicing doctors, researchers in this subject field, potential clients and social media users. As an advantage of social media application in the sphere of medicine, there is a possibility of a healthy lifestyle propaganda and creating motivation for changing the attitude towards personal health, increasing the professionalism level by means of experience exchange as well as implementing monitoring of patients with chronic diseases. However, the wide opportunities of social media entail problems and risks connected with obtaining false information, confidentiality violation of providing patients’ personal data, violation of ethical limits of patient-doctor communication. The controversy on the opinion about the role of social networks in medicine was confirmed by the authors of the given research by means of surveying students and teachers of medical universities. The generalization of the obtained results showed that the prevailing number of students have a positive opinion about social networks while university teachers acknowledge the risks of using social media in the sphere of diagnostics and treatment of diseases. The results of the research and content-analysis of academic literature confirmed the necessity of developing special educational programs of additional vocational training of doctors as well as developing syllabi aimed at forming communicational skills of socializing for medical and pharmaceutical employees in social networks as well as the knowledge of legal documentation and communication ethics in various internet resources.
Keywords: social networks, information in the sphere of medicine and healthcare, teaching medical students.
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For citation:
Plashchevaya E.V., Ivanchuk O.V. Social networks in a doctor’s activity as a driver in the development of new educational programs. CITISE, 2022, no. 3, pp.377-387. DOI: