Shupaev A.V.
UDC 37.013
Abstract. This article is devoted to theoretical and methodical aspects of goal setting of a lesson. Relevance of the topic “Approaches to formulating the purpose of the training session” is caused by the contradiction between the existing pedagogical science representations about the ways of goal setting of academic lessons and their insufficient grounding. The aim of the article is to present an analysis of tactical and strategic approaches to the goal setting of educational classes, to ground the logic and expediency of each of them. The article summarizes and classifies the approaches to formulation of the goal of the lesson from the position of its content and structure. Particular emphasis is made by the author on the analysis of the triune goal of the lesson and the proof of the doubtfulness of its structure in terms of logic and didactics. From the position of typology of lessons based on the dominant role of didactic objective, the author substantiates as a priority and logical structure of the lesson objective, which includes one goal and a number of concretizing its objectives. The methodological basis for the research presented in this publication includes an analysis and synthesis of theoretical material on the problem of goal-setting in lessons; analysis of flow charts and lesson plans, including those freely available on the Internet; analysis, synthesis, and classification of teachers’ tactical approaches to formulating the lesson goal; analysis of common strategies for formulating lesson goals; and synthesis and systematization of research results. The results of the study can be taken into account by teachers when preparing for training sessions, including the development of flow charts and outlines of lessons.
Keywords: approaches, training session, goal formulation, goal setting, triune goal.
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For citation:
Shupaev A.V. Approaches to formulating the purpose of the training session. CITISE, 2022, no. 3, pp. 215-224. DOI: