Rostovskaya T.K., Bezverbnaya N.A.
UDC 37.034:316.36
Rostovskaya T.K.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – rostovskaya.tamara@, Bezverbnaya N.A.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –
1Russian Academy of Sciences
Abstract. The family has a great impact on the social, economic, cultural and spiritual processes of society; therefore, a comprehensively strong family is a huge wealth of the country. In a prosperous and prosperous family, young generations, upon reaching adulthood, are formed as comprehensively developed personalities. The discrepancy between social interests and the needs of social actors in modern society makes the study of the phenomenon of the young family as a primary social institution increasingly relevant. In modern Russian society, the family is undergoing a transformation, the essence of which is the transition of the family as a social group based on marriage and love to a marriage partnership. In the absence of the necessary social support from the state, a young family initially loses stability, which increases the risk of divorce and refusal to have children. A young family is a special social education – a social group characterized by special social qualities and properties, and above all – the young age of the spouses and a short period of interaction. The article, based on the interpretation of the results of a qualitative study, examines the role and place of a young family in the formation of family potential, the gender roles of spouses, as well as the search for a balance between educational and career realization and reproductive attitudes.
Keywords: demography, family policy, young family, gender roles, demographic behavior, parenthood and childhood, multigenerational.
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For citation:
Rostovskaya T.K., Bezverbnaya N.A. A prosperous young family: finding a balance between self-realization and demographic strategies. CITISE, 2022, no. 3, pp. 203-214. DOI: