ISSN 2409-7616

Fedoseeva I.A., Bondarenko V.S., Nikolaeva E.N.


UDC 37.03    


Fedoseeva I.A.1 (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation) –, Bondarenko V.S.2 (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation) –, Nikolaeva E.N.3 (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation) –

1St. Petersburg Military Institute of the National Guard of the Russian Federation

2Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University

3Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University

Abstract. The article discusses various theoretical approaches to the definition of the concept of “communicative skills” from the point of view of psychology and pedagogy. Based on the requirements and specifics of military higher education and the military profession as a whole, the need for the formation of communication skills in future military specialists is substantiated. An analysis of modern research showed the presence of problems and a low level of communication skills both among cadets and seniors, which subsequently served as the basis for an empirical study of communication skills on the basis of the Mikhailovskaya Military Artillery Academy, which was attended by 70 cadets of the 3rd year of study. The results of the study, conducted using the test of communicative skills by L. Michelson, showed the distribution of types of response to various communicative situations, of which aggressive became predominant. Based on the specifics of a military educational institution, it can be assumed that this dominant type of reaction is one of the professionally important qualities necessary for moving up the career ladder, maintaining one’s own individuality in the conditions of life according to the charter, as well as one of the conditions for the competent distribution of time due to the rapid cessation of unnecessary conversations. Despite the fact that we interpret the aggressive type of reaction prevailing in this sample mainly as a positive quality, it is necessary to develop and improve in cadets such components of communication skills as empathy, help not only to relatives, but also to others, and skills of adequate assessment and response to negative comments.

Keywords: communication skills, cadets, military socialization, types of response, interpersonal relations, personality.


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For citation:

Fedoseeva I.A., Bondarenko V.S., Nikolaeva E.N. Results of study of communication skills of cadets of the Mikhailovsk military artillery academy. CITISE, 2022, no. 3, pp. 193-202. DOI: