ISSN 2409-7616

Koroleva Yu.V., Avakimyan N.N., Datsenko E.N., Orlova I.O., Chermit T.A.


UDC 378


Koroleva Yu.V.1 (Krasnodar, Russian Federation) –, Avakimyan N.N.1 (Krasnodar, Russian Federation) –, Datsenko E.N.1 (Krasnodar, Russian Federation) –, Orlova I.O.1 (Krasnodar, Russian Federation) –, Chermit T.A.1 (Krasnodar, Russian Federation) –

1Kuban State Technological University

Abstract. This article discusses the possibility of using blended learning in the context of a modern technical university. The concept of blended learning in a technical university is defined, the most popular and effective models of blended learning in the modern realities of an engineering university are indicated, attention is focused on working with virtual simulators and laboratories, as well as high-tech industries. There is an effective dosing of traditional and distance forms, the need for their reasonable combination to achieve a higher learning outcome is argued. The positive and negative characteristics of blended learning are indicated, some recommendations are given for the modernization of technical education through the use of blended learning – the introduction of distant laboratories in special cases, the emphasis on the importance of independent work and its coordination by the teacher. The subject of this study is blended learning in a modern technical university. The object of the work is possible effective models of blended learning in the context of a technical high school, as well as virtual laboratories that contribute to the formation and development of competencies  in a particular engineering field. The relevance of the article lies in the need to improve technical higher education, its modernization and quality improvement. This article provides some recommendations for introducing a specific type of learning – blended within the technical school, namely, the use of efficient models of a flipped classroom, station rotation, laboratory rotation, a flexible model, an individual rotation model, and a virtual model itself. The novelty of the work lies in the development of technologies for the introduction of mandatory virtual simulators, allowing in the practical field to master the future profession in the absence of high-tech equipment or a specialized laboratory at the university. It is this component that will represent the remote form in combination with real communication in the context of a technical high school, and will allow students to get better acquainted with technological innovations and developments, even  in a virtual, remote format. The work is recommended to methodologists, teachers-practitioners, future engineers, students, graduate students and undergraduates, as well as a wide range of people involved in methodology and pedagogical research.

Keywords: blended learning, technical university, model, station rotation, flipped class, laboratory rotation, distance learning, result, efficiency.


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For citation:

Koroleva Yu.V., Avakimyan N.N., Datsenko E.N., Orlova I.O., Chermit T.A. On the question of blended learning in a modern technical university. CITISE, 2022, no. 3, pp. 96-104. DOI: