Lvova S.V.
UDC 37.015.3
Lvova S.V.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –
1Moscow State Pedagogical University
Abstract. In this paper, theoretical approaches and empirical results of the study of the personality characteristics of adolescents were considered. The study involved students from Moscow schools, with whom a block of training sessions was held, aimed at forming ideas about a secure information environment. The purpose of the study was to teach adolescents to recognize the signs of potentially dangerous communication situations in the information environment and use the skills of problem solving, adequate avoidance, search and provision of social support in stressful and problematic situations. A comparative analysis of the results of diagnostics of adolescents in the experimental group allows us to trace changes in dynamics, from the primary to the second study. The results of adolescents in the experimental group at the control stage of the research work significantly exceed the results of the ascertaining stage, and also differ from the results of adolescents in the control group. These differences are due to a complex of psychological and pedagogical impact, namely, the enhanced formative impact of the presented training program.
Keywords: safe information environment, personal development, critical thinking, complex psychological and pedagogical impact, training program.
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For citation:
Lvova S.V. Influence of the modern information environment on the personal development of schoolchildren. CITISE, 2022, no. 3, pp. 83-95. DOI: