ISSN 2409-7616

Galimullina N.M., Zainullina G.I.



УДК 378.147.88

Galimullina N.M.1 (Kazan, Russian Federation) – E-mail:, Zainullina G.I.1 (Kazan, Russian Federation) – E-mail:

1Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev

2University of Management “TISBI”

Abstract. The research is devoted to the role and features of the organization of language training as a type of meta-professional competencies of students of higher educational institutions using distance technologies. Knowledge of languages, along with readiness for social interaction and teamwork, the use of time management techniques, office work, the manifestation of stress resistance and self-development makes the graduate’s position in the labor market stronger. Therefore, it is necessary to provide for the development of these skills in the system of bachelor’s and master’s degrees in all areas of training. The article contains the results of a survey of students about the most important meta-competencies and ways of mastering them. Thus, according to respondents from among bachelor students, foreign language proficiency ranks fourth among all soft skills. This answer received 56.3% of the votes. The article defines the main approaches to the organization of language training in the higher education system. Special emphasis is placed on the orientation of young students to learn foreign languages using distance technologies. The article concludes on the effectiveness of the integrated use of traditional and innovative means of teaching foreign languages. Among the most relevant pedagogical techniques used to intensify foreign language teaching and increase the satisfaction of students of such courses are not only webinars that fall into the category of traditional means, but also innovative technologies: virtual and augmented reality. During the preparation of the article, a study of the main Russian platforms of mass open online learning was conducted: “Open Education”, “Stepik”, “Intuit”, “Lectionary” and “Universarium”. A quantitative and qualitative analysis of the language courses available to the mass user was carried out. Stepik can be called a leader in the field of online language education in Russia.

Keywords: language training, metaprofessional competencies, mass open online courses, distance learning technologies, online learning, foreign language, higher education, competencies.


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For citation:

Galimullina N.M., Zainullina G.I. The use of distance technologies in the development of language training as a type of metaprofessional competencies. CITISE, 2022, no. 2, pp.528-539. DOI: