Bocharova, T.A. Kan Min Ho
UDC 378.1
Bocharova, T.A.1 (Khabarovsk, Russian Federation) – E-mail:, Kan Min Ho1 (Khabarovsk, Russian Federation) – E-mail:
1Pacific State University
Abstract. The processes of digitalization and globalization are transforming modern education around the world. Only a developed education system that satisfies the conditions of the time contributes to the high-quality training of qualified specialists and personnel, which are the main potential in the economic, political, technological, industrial and social development of any state. The system of training highly qualified specialists has a number of problems caused by the changing socio-economic conditions in our country. The reorganization of the management system of state educational institutions in order to ensure their financial independence from budgetary funds has formed the prerequisites for aggravating the main problems of higher education, which include the commercialization of education, reducing its accessibility and insufficient public funding. The general public, the pedagogical community, scientists are concerned about the state and prospects for the development of domestic education. At the same time, within the framework of projects implemented by various research groups of state or commercial structures, problems are analyzed “from above”, founders or organizers of educational activities. And much less often, direct subjects of the educational process are involved in research – students, for whom the problems of the education system are not just statistics, but determine the strategy of life. This article attempts to highlight the main aspects that form the problems listed above, from the perspective of students. As a result, the following hypotheses were formulated: the problem of information overload of the educational process, the lack of study time for qualitative reflection, an imperfect three-point assessment system, a low degree of filiation between the main levels of education (in particular, school and higher education), an imperfect certification system, unification of the model of the higher education system Following the European model, the mismatch between the education system and the labor market, as well as the increased demand for higher education, hinder the modernization of the higher education system in Russia.
Keywords: higher education, applicant, labor market, assessment system, information overload, levels of education.
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For citation:
Bocharova, T.A. Kan Min Ho. Looking «from the below» on the problems of the higher education system. CITISE, 2022, no. 2, pp.519-527. DOI: