Arishina E.S., Lesher O.V.
UDC 378
Arishina E.S.1 (Beloretsk, Russian Federation) – E-mail:, Lesher O.V.1 (Magnitogorsk, Russian Federation) – E-mail:
1Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University
Abstract. The article deals with the solution to the actual problem of development of students’ axiological potential in the digital educational environment of a technical university, which is of high theoretical and practical importance for graduate training in the context of modernization and informatization of modern higher education. The aim of the article is to reveal the technological aspect of development of students’ axiological potential in the digital educational environment of a technical university. The authors are based on the methods of scientific, psychological and pedagogical literature analysis on the problem of research, generalization and systematization of pedagogical experience, including the organization of digital educational environment of technical university taking into account the peculiarities of development of students’ axiological potential. The following set of pedagogical conditions was developed to implement the technology of development of students’ axiological potential in the digital educational environment of a technical university: providing value-oriented teaching of technical university students; involving students in professional and value-oriented activities; organizing professional and value-oriented content of the digital educational environment of a technical university. The study results are important for organizing the content of digital educational environment of technical high school, developing axiological potential of students. The authors disclose the technology of development of students’ axiological potential, give an idea of the forms, methods and tools for organization of digital educational environment of a technical university, ensuring effective development of students’ axiological potential in teaching, project and research activities, specify procedural and content features of maintaining this environment by means of pedagogical design, project activities and pedagogical monitoring.
Keywords: student’s axiological potential, higher education, pedagogical design, project activities, pedagogical monitoring, technology, digital learning environment.
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For citation:
Arishina E.S., Lesher O.V. Developing students’ axiological potential in the digital learning environment of a technical university: the technological aspect. CITISE, 2022, no. 2, pp.426-438. DOI: