Tanatarov V.V., Timofeev A.I., Sultanbekov T.I.
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2022.2.36
UDC 378.147
Tanatarov V.V.1 (Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation) – Е-mail: vladimirtananarov@yandex.ru, Timofeev A.I.2 (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation) – Е-mail: 999ruk@mail.ru, Sultanbekov T.I.1 (Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation) – Е-mail: sultanbekovti@bk.ru
1Saint-Petersburg Military Institute of National Guard Troops
2Novosibirsk Military Institute of National Guard Troops
Abstract. The training of cadets at the military institute of the profession is important for the national security of the State. Professional activity of an officer includes risk to life and health, high social responsibility. Thereby the role of socio-cultural characteristics and personality qualities, which are formed in the educational environment through the construction of a methodical system of education, increases. The aim of the work is to theoretically determine, to substantiate the essence, content and relationship of the concept «educational environment of the military institute», a «methodical system of education» within the framework of the sociocultural approach. The authors used methods of collecting information about the desired phenomenon, content-analysis of scientific sources and normative documents on the problem of educational environments, placed in databases «eLIBRARY», «Scopus», «Web of Science». The article is prepared in the context of the problem of development a professional quality of a cadet’s personality in the educational environment. The authors clarified the essence, content of a concept «educational environment of a military institute», a «methodical system of education» revealed the content of a structural components educational environment of a military institute within the framework of the socio-cultural approach. The authors make a theoretical and methodological conclusion that the basis of the methodical system of education is a sociocultural approach, which is based on the methodology of the system approach and allows to study the cadet’s personality in the unity of his sociality and culture. This approach will provide balance in the system of «personality-society-culture» and transfer of an accumulated social experience in order to form professionally significant personal qualities of future military professionals.
Keywords: higher military education, educational environment, military education, methodical system of education, socio-cultural approach, system approach.
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For citation:
Tanatarov V.V., Timofeev A.I., Sultanbekov T.I. A methodical system of education in the educational environment of the military institute: a contemporary socio-cultural approach. CITISE, 2022, no. 2, pp.412-425. DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2022.2.36