Chistov A.A.
UDC 377.111.3
Chistov A.A.1 (Orekhovo-Zuyevo, Russian Federation) – E-mail:
1State University of Humanities and Technology
Abstract. The article deals with the problem of designing and further work of a personality-oriented model based on the network interaction of organizations in the professional training of personnel. The domestic experience in the implementation of network education in various directions is summarized. The problems of the topic of network association are determined on the basis of the analysis of the literature of modern domestic authors. The factors of success in the implementation of the professional training model in the process of network interaction are identified: voluntary independent participation of each educational institution, the interest of all participants in the interaction in the community, the desire for the rational use of all available resources, the activity of innovation directly in teaching methods, purposefulness based on the needs of the socio-economic industry or region plan. A student-oriented model is presented, the features of its functioning in the conditions of a professional college in the Moscow region are characterized. The structural model of vocational training in the process of network interaction is focused on progressive areas of modern science and practice, solves the tasks set, taking into account the personal qualities of students. The need for professional training in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards, which is certainly the basis for the implementation of professional networking, was especially noted. The algorithm for modeling the professional training process includes target, managerial, content, technological and productive blocks. The paper presents some practical aspects of the network interaction of the components of a personality-oriented model and the results of their testing in the conditions of the Likino-Dulyovo Polytechnic College. The effectiveness of network interaction is characterized in accordance with the network design of the educational environment. The conclusion is made about the innovative role of network interaction, which consists in the formation of a new paradigm of the educational system, where the maximum freedom of choice by each student of his own educational trajectory comes first.
Keywords: model, personality, orientation, professional, training, networking, educational organization, college, university.
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For citation:
Chistov A.A. Person-oriented model of professional training in the process of network interaction. CITISE, 2022, no. 2, pp.327-335. DOI: