ISSN 2409-7616

Grakhov V.P., Tolkachev Yu.A.



UDC 332.82:005.31

Grakhov V.P.1 (Izhevsk, Russian Federation) – E-mail:, Tolkachev Yu.A.1 (Izhevsk, Russian Federation) – E-mail:

1Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University

Abstract. Natural disasters cause serious adverse consequences that lead to loss of life and material damage, as well as have a significant negative economic impact. After major catastrophic disasters, it is very important that State institutions respond quickly to housing problems and provide such priority types of life support for the population as temporary housing, which will be used until the complete restoration and reconstruction of destroyed and damaged houses. The aim of the work is to develop a methodology for comparing existing methods of construction of prefabricated buildings, in order to identify the most effective option for the construction of temporary housing after natural disasters, which is able to provide victims with high-quality living quarters for living in a short time. As a result of the analysis of the literature, three main options for temporary housing for the population were identified: modular, panel and prefabricated houses. A comparative analysis of the options for prefabricated buildings was carried out based on the integrated assessment method. To achieve this goal, the key factors of pre-erected temporary housing were studied, which allows supporting the livelihoods of the population affected by a natural disaster.  As a result of the work, the most effective method of organizing temporary housing was identified. The results obtained should serve as a valuable basis for the correct use of prefabricated buildings in the organization of temporary housing units for the affected population.

Keywords: temporary housing, modular building, prefabricated buildings, emergency situation, efficiency indicators.


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For citation:

Grakhov V.P., Tolkachev Yu.A. Methodology for comparing options for fast building temporary housing to accommodate the population affected by a natural disaster. CITISE, 2022, no. 2, pp.317-326. DOI: